Message from WP6 Team to WP6 Partners:
Dear WP6 Partners,
Thank you to all that have requested to attend our February workshops in London. We are in the process of confirming numbers and will be contacting you soon to confirm the allocation of spaces. For those who have yet to register it is not too late. If you are interested in attending please contact
In our workshop we seek to achieve two things:
To facilitate this WP6 have created a pre-reading document. This document contains:
We hope you all find this reading informative and useful in understanding WP6’s work as well as useful preparation for those attending our workshop in February.
Again we urge those who are interested in attending to register their attendance.
Charlotte Burge
Graduate Consultant | Centre for Workforce Intelligence
209-215 Blackfriars Road | London | SE1 8NL | UK |+44(0)7825 592767|
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The centre for Workforce Intelligence (CfWI) is the national authority on workforce planning and development, providing advice and information to the health and social care system. Our mission is to become the primary source of workforce intelligence for health and social care. We produce quality intelligence to inform better workforce planning, in order to improve people’s lives.