Dottore Giovanni Leonardi, Direttore Generale delle professioni sanitarie and Work Package Leader of Work Package 5, was invited by the European Network of Medical Competent Authorities (ENMCA) to give a status briefing over the Joint Action. His presentation provided the members with the last information. Giovanni warmly invited the members, both as ENMCA and individually, to join the Bratislava Conference, and promoted the future activities of the Joint Action like the London and Utrecht workshops.
The ENMCA members were eager to learn about the usage of the various surveys issued by the Joint Action. Also, they queried how the results of the JA will be utilized both by the EU Commission and by the Member States. Giovanni recalled the overall objectives of the JA, and especially the creation of a network of expertise with as major goal to support the Member States and the EU in taking effective and sustainable measures. Also, referring to the Italian participation, I also encouraged the members to get actively involved in JA activities, since it is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with planning methodologies through a bottom-up approach.