Final WP4 – Consultation Meeting of National Experts

Hosted by the Icelandic Ministry of Health




Location and date: Reykjavik, Iceland, on 24-25th September
Registration starts at 2:00 pm on the 24th September and we close the meeting 3:30pm on the 25th September 2015.
Meeting Venue: Ministry of Welfare Iceland – Hafnarhusinu vid Tryggvagotu 150 Reykjavik


The event is a Consultation Meeting of National Representatives, where our main discussion item is: “How to make data collections more supportive to systematic HWF planning at national level?”. During this meeting, we shall finalise some useful, practical tools that help to analyse in-depth the key components of the health workforce planning processes for Member States. The results of the meeting will be incorporated into the recommendations section of the D043 Report on HWF Planning Data.




Social event on Thursday evening: 

  • tour in Reykjavik (new Concert Hall visit – price 1487 ISK approx. 10 Euro)
  • dinner (cost on participants approx. 50 Euro)





In focus of this meeting: WP4 TOOLKIT: collection of practical analytical tools, that is, measurement instruments/inventories e.g., protocols, guidelines, checklists, check-sheets/fact-sheets, rating scales that are invented/designed for helping countries to learn standard processes of HWF Planning. These tools provide support in the identification of process bottlenecks, key components of HWF Planning and the stakeholders to be involved, in addition in formulating appropriate questions, and developing a plan for implementation. Countries can adapt the toolkit to suit their own circumstances.