Dear colleagues,


Work Package 7 of the Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting organizes WP7 Workshop on Sustainability Options that will take place in the Federal Public Service health, food chain safety and environment in Brussels 1060, Place V. Horta 40/10 on 16th of March 2016 (Wednesday).


We would like to invite you to complete the “WP7 Sustainability Survey”. The goal of the Sustainability Survey is to gather the views of JAHWF partners and other experts on how to sustain the results of the Joint Action after its official ending. By gathering feedback through the online survey, we will be able to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement on:

  1. The Policy & Technical Recommendations of the JAHWF (D073/D074) – see pre-reading materials
  2. The action- and project proposals in the Sustainability Business Plan – see pre-reading materials
  3. The Network of Experts (D072) – see pre-reading materials


The results of the survey will guide the discussions during the WP7 Workshop on Sustainability Options.


On behalf of the Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting, we thank you in advance for your time and your contribution!


Yours sincerely,


The Work Package 7 Team of the Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting