Work Package 7 Expert Workshop on Sustainability Options





Dear colleagues,

The team of Work Package 7 (Sustainability) of the Joint Action on Health Workforce Planning and Forecasting (JAHWF) organizes a workshop on the sustainability options, focusing on the Vision paper and Policy recommendations.

The event will take place on November 11th 2015 (Wednesday) in Varna, Bulgaria. The workshop is designed for the Work Package Leaders, WP 7 partners, members of the EU experts group and SEEHN representatives. We are looking forward to benefiting from your experience and we would be grateful if you could join this meeting. The scope of the session is to discuss the Vision paper on the sustainability of the Joint Action and Policy recommendations document. The conclusions of this workshop will have a valuable input on WP7 documents and Joint Action sustainability.


Please confirm your participation on by Thursday October 1st, 2015.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Varna.
Kind regards,
Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, PhD and Eng. Michel van Hoegaerden
Co-leaders of WP 7